//accès à la BDD: https://logistics.hec.uliege.be/phpmyadmin/
The tertiary urban area corresponds to the fully urbanised central districts, but with a greater mix of functions including a very strong presence of shops, with a population composed of small households with a very average income level. | |
The dense urban area corresponds to the most densely populated, fully urbanised central districts with a highly educated population but a very average income level and a significant presence of shops. | |
The suburban area corresponds to densely populated neighbourhoods with a certain functional mix, with large households, a medium income level and low demographic growth. | |
The mixed peri-urban area corresponds to highly urbanised but less densely populated neighbourhoods where economic activities and leisure facilities are also present, with large households and an average income level. | |
The residential peri-urban area corresponds to highly urbanised but less densely populated neighbourhoods with a predominantly residential vocation, with larger households, a very high level of income and a very high proportion of higher education graduates. |