//accès à la BDD: https://logistics.hec.uliege.be/phpmyadmin/ Toolkit

Eco-logistics awareness raising
These measures focus on the reduction of the pollution caused by idling truck engines. The most popular anti-idling technologies are fuel-operated coolant heaters, auxiliary power units, and truck stop electrification.
Eco-logistics awareness raising
This initiative is aimed at changing driver behavior and enhancing driver competencies to improve delivery efficiency, energy consumption, environmental impacts, and the safety of all road users. Drivers could be trained to drive in eco-friendly way that save fuel and reduce emissions, or to handle deliveries in a quiet manner so that night deliveries do not disturb neighborhoods.
Eco-logistics awareness raising
Modal shift
The aim of a modal shift program is to encourage the use of alternative modes to reduce the number of trucks and vans in the city center. To move from classic delivery solutions to environmental-friendly vehicles according to the availability of specific infrastructures
Eco-logistics awareness raising
Recognition & certification programs
Recognition schemes are designed to provide recognition, guidance, and advice to road transport operators by using the power of public acknowledgement of outstanding achievements to indirectly encourage others to follow suit. Certification programs recognize participants that achieve a minimum level of performance and follow a clear path to certification.
Eco-logistics awareness raising
Staggered work hours
This initiative aims to reduce truck demand during peak periods by distributing the receiving hours throughout the day.

The toolkit was developed on behalf of Cabinet De Sutter by research group Mobilise (VUB), Fishermen and research groups LEPUR and HEC of the University of Liège. FPS Mobility and Transport financed the project.