//accès à la BDD: https://logistics.hec.uliege.be/phpmyadmin/ Toolkit

New technologies
Clean fuels
Road traffic is responsible for adverse impacts on air quality in European cities. This affects the quality of life as well as the health of residents. Therefore, the reduction of pollution caused by emissions from road traffic should be a goal of each city. Several technical options, related to the vehicles are suitable such as the use of cleaner fuels like biodiesel, biogas, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) or electricity.
New technologies
Dynamic routing
Dynamic routing systems seeks to enhance efficiency of commercial vehicle operations. The purpose is to provide routing guidance, and to implement ITS for commercial operations focused mainly on road safety, congestion reduction and securing efficient regulatory compliance. Truck routing and the decision support system are based on ITS; they require high-quality real-time traffic data, information on the road network and land use in the area.
New technologies
Green public procurement
Public authorities are major consumers. By using their purchasing power to choose environmentally friendly goods, services and works, they can make an important contribution to sustainable consumption and production - what we call Green Public Procurement (GPP) or green purchasing. Therefore, this initiative can be pursued by theses authorities.
New technologies
The fact that packaging materials have a direct impact on energy use, on logistics and waste production is arousing increasing concern. Package weight and volume are also important because they influence energy use for transport. Overall, existing studies highlight the need to develop packaging solutions based on alternative materials to ensure that energy is efficiently used and waste reduced. Overpackaging continues to result in overuse of materials and energy, and thus influences the impact of production and transportation processes.
New technologies
Real-time information systems
Real-Time Information Systems are a set of technologies and strategies that can help to monitor and manage traffic based on real-time traffic information in terms of road safety, reduction of congestion, regulatory compliance and supply chain information.
New technologies
Traffic control
Traffic control strategies are initiatives to monitor and control traffic with signs, equipment and other devices. Among the approaches used to assist truck drivers, signs provide information about speed limit, access restrictions, loading zones and other regulations. Another type of initiative focuses on the coordination of traffic signals. In areas with heavy freight traffic, adjusting the signal timing and progression to account for the speed and reaction times of trucks could improve traffic flow.

The toolkit was developed on behalf of Cabinet De Sutter by research group Mobilise (VUB), Fishermen and research groups LEPUR and HEC of the University of Liège. FPS Mobility and Transport financed the project.