//accès à la BDD: https://logistics.hec.uliege.be/phpmyadmin/ Toolkit

Stakeholders engagement
City Logistics Manager
Like the concept of the Mobility Manager, the function of City Logistics Manager (CLM) is designed to reduce demand in relation to the mobility of goods in urban areas. By implementing this new role, a good level of acceptance is expected due to the institutional function of the designated person.
Stakeholders engagement
Freight advisory boards
In general, freight advisory boards are implemented as stand-alone bodies in medium and small urban areas, with the aim of coordinating different interests and needs. The boards aim to facilitate the implementation of freight initiatives and to create communications channels between stakeholders. It requires a high degree of coordination among different actors. The freight advisor board needs to be composed of representatives of the supply chain (transport operators, shippers, retails chains, shop-owners), public authorities, experts and other stakeholders (like industry and commerce association, consumers association, residents' associations).
Stakeholders engagement
Freight Quality Partnerships (FQP)
Freight quality partnerships (FQP) are long term partnerships between urban freight stakeholders that, on a formal or informal basis, meet regularly to discuss and provide an agreement between the stakeholders to understand the issues and problems of freight transport, promoting constructive solutions to reconcile the need for access to goods and services with local concerns of social and environmental nature. This is an opportunity to achieve worthwhile results at a relatively modest cost. However, it can be difficult to gather all types of stakeholders needed.
Stakeholders engagement
Green freight programs
Green freight programs aimed at improving the environmental performance, through fuel efficiency and emissions reductions, by encouraging the freight sector to act in this way. The purpose is to guide stakeholders on the track towards green logistics and recognize their initiatives.
Stakeholders engagement
Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning (SULP)
A Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan (SULP) is a strategic plan designed to improve the urban logistics by ensuring a better quality of life. It builds on existing planning practices and takes due consideration of integration, participation, and evaluation principles. The SULP intends to be a document which engages a maximum of stakeholders in implementing) a set of actions, for which they will be mutually responsible.

The toolkit was developed on behalf of Cabinet De Sutter by research group Mobilise (VUB), Fishermen and research groups LEPUR and HEC of the University of Liège. FPS Mobility and Transport financed the project.