//accès à la BDD: https://logistics.hec.uliege.be/phpmyadmin/
Collect points | |
This initiative promotes the use of specific locations for pick-up and deliveries, such as automated locker systems, parcel shops and post offices as well as mini depots. These points potentially present a more sustainable alternative for home deliveries because of three reasons. First, a 100% success rate, consolidation opportunities, and economies of scope make collect points a cost-efficient solution for the carrier. Second, concentrating logistics activities in some zones while removing them from some sensitive areas such as schools, together with the offer to consumers to pick up a parcel at a convenient time, makes that it improves the social component of e-deliveries. Third, the decrease in driven kilometers, assuming van kilometers are not substituted by pick-up kilometers, also lowers the environmental impact of the last mile. | |
Operational | |
Tertiary urban area; Dense urban area; Suburban area; Mixed Peri-urban area; Residential Peri-urban area | |
Communal | |
Pull | |
Soft |